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About WDUB 91.1fm : Denison University, Granville, OH

Photo by John Hammond

(A description circa 2004)

WDUB strives to provide its listening audience with programming that not only entertains but educates the listener by using every genre of music. Our Free-Format style gives the committed and talented DJs of The Doobie the freedom to express their musical expertise. In following this philosophy the staff of WDUB endeavors to serve the best interest of the Denison community and its surrounding communities. We have recently been ranked the 7th best college radio station in the nation, as determined by the Princeton Review. This has only been possible through the continued support of our listeners. Everyone at The Doobie truly thanks you, our listeners, for your support.


(A description circa 2007)

WDUB 91.1 FM is a student-run, non-commmercial, FCC-registered 100-watt radio station, owned and operated by Denison University in Granville, Ohio, USA.

WDUB programs its content in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. WDUB began its radio broadcasts on November 12, 1953, and has grown over its 50+ years of service. In the fall of 2004, WDUB began a second era of its history as the station began streaming its on-air content to worldwide internet users.

Today, our station is stronger than ever, reaching a global audience never before thought possible, while staying connected to our broadcast roots. As the largest and most outward-reaching organization on Denison University's campus, our 100+ DJs passionately strive to entertain and challenge our listeners through eclectic music, intellectual talk, and professional news & sports. We love what we do, and are proud to call WDUB home.


All material contained in this site is the property of WDUB or Kyle Robertson